Wolf Center - Group 1 Wolves

South Salem, New York, United States

Trumpet(Mom - F1505) and Lighthawk(dad - M1564):
- Nicholas and Mosby were born in 2019
-Sonda was born in 2022
-Kazoo was born in 2023

2024 - Litter of 7 pups were born on April 22
-May 6 - 5 pups were cross fostered and 2 stayed with the pack, Mom Trumpet moved them to another den.

Rosa and Alleno welcomed 9 pups in 2018: Craighead, Mittermeier, Lek, Carson, Goodall, Beattie, Diane, Helene and Brie.

ROSA (F1143)
Mexican gray wolf Rosa was born at the WCC in 2008 to Mexican gray wolf Mama Gray (F613) – she and her siblings were the first Mexican wolves born at the WCC! Over the years, Rosa has said farewell to most of her family members, but she’s had the opportunity to build a new family of her own. In 2015, she was introduced to Mexican gray wolf Diego, and the pair quickly bonded, spending many days cuddling on top of their den and sharing meals. Their bond was quite evident when, in the spring of 2016, Rosa gave birth to a daughter, nicknamed “Trumpet” for the loud squeals she made as a newborn. The family of two became a close-knit family of three and WCC staff and supporters rejoiced at the apparent happiness and love felt by the trio. Unfortunately, their days as a family unit were numbered. As part of the Mexican wolf Species Survival Plan (SSP), certain Mexican wolves are paired for breeding each year based on the genetics of both the wild and captive populations. Rosa was found to be a perfect genetic match for Mexican wolf Alléno, another WCC male, so she bid farewell to Diego and Trumpet in the fall of 2017 and slowly began to form a bond with Alléno. Jump to May 8, 2018; Rosa revealed that love can strike a second time with the birth of nine pups - six males and three females.

HÉLÈNE (F1753)
​On May 8, 2018, Mexican gray wolf Rosa gave birth to a baseball team of pups - six males and three females born to Rosa and Alléno at the WCC.

BRIA (F1754)
May 8, 2018 - Rosa and Alléno offspring

DIANE (F1752)
May 8, 2018 - Rosa and Alléno offspring